Some Updates on Our Business!


A lot has happened since our previous blog post! It’s time to update on everything that’s been happening with Stoltzfus Family Dairy.

Several weeks ago, our long-time employee, Lidiyana Voyku, got married. This ends her eight-year employment with our family dairy. Lidiyana was a faithful worker, doing several different jobs during her time here. As the business has upgraded and expanded over the years, Lidiyana’s jobs have changed from labeling to packing yogurt, plus fulfilling online orders and prepackaging. She has always been the one to count on whenever another employee was gone and needed their job to get done. Lidiyana’s capability and personality will be greatly missed, but we’re certain that the same traits that made her an excellent employee will help her to be successful in this new chapter of life. Blessings to Lidiyana as she enters a new phase of life.

About a month ago, our fairly new marketing employee, Christopher, broke his arm in a bicycling accident. Because of the large cast that was needed on his arm, he was unable to work for a couple weeks. Due to his absence, we are still working to catch up on the marketing and blogging for Stoltzfus Dairy. We are glad to have him back at the office to do his job once again.

Thank you for following the journey of our business, and we hope you enjoyed this update!