Updates from Stoltzfus Family Dairy


How to Make Strawberry Maple Yogurt Smoothie with Stoltzfus Dairy Products

Today we are looking at a very simple and delicious smoothie recipe that honestly, you can pull together in about five minutes with four simple...

We won top prizes for our milk at the state fair!!

We are super excited to announce that we received first place in the small processers fluid milk category as well as the chocolate milk category...

A Great Suggestion for How to Eat Our Individual Yogurts!

Happy Thursday and welcome back to the blog! Today's post is a great suggestion for how to eat our individual yogurts. First off, let's be...

A Delicious Cupcake Recipe You Can Try Substituting Yogurt for Sour Cream

    Did you know? You can often substitute yogurt for sour cream in your recipes when baking!?  Today we're going to introduce you to...
meet our team series wrap-up graphic

Meet Our Team Series Wrap Up

Good morning! We hope you all enjoyed the Meet Our Team Series we have been doing over the past number of months! If you missed...

Meet Our Team Part 9 | Lidiyana Voyku

 Today is the last but definitely not the least of our “Meet Our Team” series. Lidiyana Voyku joined our team in 2014. Her sister had...

Meet Our Team Part 8 | Greg Moore

Good afternoon! Meet Greg. Greg Moore has a wife, two sons, and two daughters. He is the assistant distribution manager at Stoltzfus Family Dairy. Greg's...

More Exciting Changes Happening!

Some more exciting changes are happening around Stoltzfus Family Dairy! We are making the most out of all of the space available at our Creamery!...

Meet Our Team Part 7 | Andrea Stoltzfus

Good afternoon! The introduction for this week’s blog is about yours truly! 😊 My name is Andrea and my job for Stoltzfus Family Dairy consists of...